admin 發表於 2020-12-10 16:17:42


The marriage over the weekend of a Taiwanese lesbian couple in the island"s first Buddhist same-sex wedding has sparked debate about just how far Taiwanese society has progressed in its treatment of homosexuals.
  Huang Mei-yu and Yu Ya-ting, both 30, exchanged vows at a Buddhist monastery in Guangyin Township in northern Taiwan on Saturday in a ceremony attended by more than 100 guests but not the couple's parents, according to local media reports.
  Taiwan has long been celebrated as for its embrace of the homosexuality. Host to the biggest gay pride parade in Asia each year, the capital city of Taipei was named one of Asia's top 10 gay-friendly travel destinations in May by the website
  When he was mayor of Taipei, Taiwanese president Ma Ying-jeou even presided over several group gay weddings an act that would have been almost unimaginable as late as 1997, when gay men were still subject to identity checks in certain parts of the city.
  But Taiwan falls short, activists say, when it comes to taking what many regards as the most important step in protecting gay rights: legalizing same-sex marriage.
  'Public awareness and acceptance of homosexual co妹妹unity is rising, but the fight for legalization of for same-sex marriage remains an uphill battle,' said Kuan Yu, a staff member at the Taiwan Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Family Rights Advocacy, the group that helped organized the wedding.
  台灣同道家庭权柄促成會(Taiwan LGBT Family Rights Advocacy)的事情职員Kuan Yu暗示,“如今公家對同性情人群的熟悉和接管度都在不竭晋升,但为同性恋婚姻夺取正當化的尽力依然坚苦重重。”该促成會帮忙组织了黄美瑜和游雅婷的婚禮。
  Despite Mr. Ma's past a gay rights advocate, the president's party, the Kuomintang (or Nationalist Party), has shied away from pushing the legalization of gay marriage.
  In 2006, legislator Hsiao Bi-khim of the opposition Democratic Progressive Party proposed a bill to recognize same-sex marriages but it was returned due to insufficient signatures. Since then, neither party has made any new efforts to revive the proposal.
  Ms. Kuan, 29, who came out of the closet to her family two years ago, said the co妹妹unity doesn't expect any headway to be made in the near term but will still push for a passage of the bill in the next legislative session starting September.
  本年29岁的Kuan Yu两年前向家人坦承了本身的同性恋取向。她暗示,短时间来看,估量在同性恋权柄方面很难获得希望,但台灣同道家庭权柄促成會仍将举行尽力,鞭策有关草案在立法院从9月份起头的下一會期内经由过程。
  'Our goal is to draw attention to the issue of universal human rights to be with the person you love and to stir up discussion on the issue,' she said.
  James Yang, a spokesman for Gin Gin Store, one of the first bookstores dedicated to the LGBT co妹妹unity and sexology in the Chinese-speaking world, blames the legislators of turning a deaf ear. 'The legislators are representatives of the people's will and how much have they done much to represent our interest? Not a whole lot,' he said.
  华人圈内首家同道主题书店晶晶书库(Gin Gin Store)的讲话人杨平靖训斥立法委員们在这个问题上装疯卖傻。他说,“立法委員应當是民意的代表,而这些人做过些甚么来为咱们夺取权柄呢?底子没做过甚么。”
  That's unfair, said Wu Yu-sheng, a KMT lawmaker, who argued the gay co妹妹unity is the one that has been slow about promoting their cause.
  'Many of my colleagues and I are open to discussing the issue, but I have never received any request from the gay rights lobbying groups to have a discussion,' he said.
  The debate surrounding same-sex marriage in Taiwan has nothing to do with intolerance of different sexual preferences, but is about pragmatic issues such as inheritance and child rearing, Mr. Wu said, adding 'it will take a long while before a consensus is reached.'
  In the absence of legal recognition, will other gay couples follow Huang and Yu's example and walk the Buddhist path toward marriage?
  Chao Shi-hui, the Buddhist master that performed Saturday's wedding, said there is no hard rule on homosexuality in Buddhism, which holds that the central tenets in any strong relationship are purity and selflessness qualities that aren't determi失眠治療方法推薦,ned by sexual orientation.
  'What they did was very inspiring,' Ms. Chao said. 'But I haven't received any other requests for more ga新北市當舖,y weddings because, truthfully, courageous people like them are still quite few.'
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